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Desktop Forms

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The key functionality for any displayed form is as follows:


Toolbar - the main features are as follows (note controls with red captions signify that input is mandatory):


Will force saving of the form data without closing the form

Will save the form data and then close the form

Only available when adding new records - will save the form data and then clear the form to allow a further addition

Will close the form. If any data has been amended, the user will be prompted whether to close or not.

Will display the previous record on the underlying grid view. Not available when adding a new record.

Will display the next record on the underlying grid view. Not available when adding a new record.


Form Controls - these can be used as follows:


Basic data entry control - subject to a maximum number of characters

Combo selection control - allows selection from a drop down list


Form Assistant selection control - when the user clicks on the button a separate pane will appear on the right hand side of the screen allowing search and selection from the underlying table

Date selection control - for date values - these can either be typed into the control or selected from the calendar by clicking on the down arrow

Calculator control - for numeric values - these can either be typed into the control or selected from the calculator by clicking on the down arrow


Data Form Tabs - any number of additional tabs may be shown at the foot of the data form - these can be activated by clicking on each tab.


NOTE - when adding new items, the Data tab only will be visible. The other tabs will become visible once the data has been saved.