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Users vs Employees - Users and Employees explained

Access Levels - Access Levels explained

Rate Bands - process for determining which rate band is used for each timesheet posting line

Browser Limitations - Silverlight Browser program limitations

Specific Rates - enable certain clients or jobs to have rates that do not comply with the normal employee charging structure

Transaction Views - how to use Transaction Views

Document Views - how to use Document Views

Action Views - how to use Action Views

Grid Views - how to use Grid Views

Data Forms - how to use Data Forms

Posting Grids - how to use Posting Grids

Report Viewer - how to use Report Viewer

Form Assistant - how to use Form Assistant

Input Masks -  create new Clients / Matters / Jobs / Subsidiary Codes using an input mask

SMTP Server - SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) mail server / send outgoing emails from within TallyPro