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SMTP Server

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Note this feature is not usually enabled automatically for TallyPro trials



Where E-mail is enabled the SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) mail server must be specified in order to send outgoing emails from within TallyPro.  This is usually set up either through a local mail server or through an ISP’s mail server. In most cases entering the loop back Internet protocol (IP) default address (also known as localhost) will enable the E-mail functionality.

If the default does not work first check with us that the feature is enabled for your company, if it is then two further options are summarised below, but for more detailed information, you should contact your computer system administrator.

Local Mail Server

Depending on the size and configuration of your network, you may have a local mail server installed, such as Microsoft Exchange.  In this case you will need to specify the SMTP server address as the network address (either IP address or domain name) of the machine on which the mail server software is installed.  For example, “” or “MAILSERVER1”. 

ISP Mail Server

If you route your outgoing email through your ISP, you will need to specify the address of their mail server.  To find this out refer to your ISP’s documentation, or alternatively check the email account settings on a machine which is configured to send email correctly.  For example, in Microsoft Outlook, go to Tools -> Email Accounts -> View or change existing e-mail accounts.  Click on the ISP email account and click Change.  The address you need can be found in “Outgoing mail server (SMTP)”.