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Browser Grids

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The key functionality for any displayed grid is as follows:


Toolbar - the main features are as follows:


If displayed, allows a new record (a new Job in the above example) to be added

If displayed, allows the selected record to be deleted

Refreshes the grid - useful if the underlying data has changed since the grid was opened

Print - displays a print preview of the grid data - this can then be modified (e.g. margins, orientation) before actual printing

Export to Excel - this will generate an Excel spreadsheet containing the grid data and formatting


Header Bar - this can be used to sort any column as follows:


Clicking once on a column header will sort the data in ascending order


Filter Bar - there is no filter bar facility in the Browser grid.


Grid Rows - the main features are as follows:


Single Click

Will highlight a single row - as shown above

Double Click

Will display the full data screen for the row - in the above example this should display the full data for the Job selected

Right Click

Will display other options available for the row - as shown above


Pagination Bar - this will display the available pages (as shown above):


Clicking once on a page number will display that page of grid rows