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Clicking on the Advanced Search icon () if displayed on a grid view toolbar, will show or hide the Advanced Search pane as above.


The components of the pane are as follows:


Closes the Advanced Search pane

Displays a list of users - this feature is not currently implemented in TallyPro

Toggles the current view between showing all rows (at the current level) and only those that have been tagged

Clears the current search criteria

Clears all current search levels and starts a new search at level 1

Performs the new search

Field / Criteria

The search criteria - namely the fields to be searched, the type of comparison and the data to be searched for.


In the above example, the search would be for Clients where the Post Town was 'London' and the Notes field contained the word 'software' at any point.


If 4 records were found these rows would be displayed, and the search level would be shown as 1/1. Pressing the Up and Down arrows will allow the user to show the results at each level. Up to 9 levels are supported.