The definition of users and employees is as follows:
•Users are people who are permitted to log in to the program
•Employees are people who charge time to clients and jobs
For any individual person one of the following three options should be selected:
1.Set up as both user and employee - this type of person can log in to the program, load the programs available to them, and post their own time and expenses. If they are a posting delegate for another employee, they will also be able to post time for them. NOTE - when adding Users who are also Employees it is quicker to use the New User & Employee Wizard
2.Set up only as an employee - this type of person will not be able to log in to the program and their time and expenses will have to be entered by another user (their posting delegate)
3.Set up only as a user - this type of person can log in to the program, load the programs available to them, and if they are a posting delegate for another employee, they will also be able to post time for them.
A common scenario for a type 3 would be an Admin person who is charged with producing reports and who maybe is also charged with posting other people's time and expenses.
Type 1 personnel should first be set up as a User (see Users) and then as an Employee (see Employees) as it is important that, as an Employee, they are linked to a valid user.
NOTE - It should be remembered that access to any of the programs can be restricted to individual users by way of their password level - see Users. Thus employees can be permitted to enter their own time and expenses but not permitted to access any other parts of the program.