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Employee Performance Analysis

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This report provides an analysis of time charged and recovered and shows all clients/jobs upon which an employee has worked over the period specified, the time charged by the employee, the time charged in total, the write offs, the billings and calculates the recovery (in value and percentage terms) per job and per employee in total, within the following range selection:


From Date - enter the first date to report (leave blank to default to earliest date)

To Date - enter the last Job code to report (leave blank to default to latest date)

Employee - select an employee from the drop down list

Recovery %age - enter the anticipated recovery on work in progress to achieve a realistic view of the recovery over any period of time


Please refer to the Report Viewer for how to use the toolbars on the report view.


The following columns are displayed on the report:


Job / Client Code & Title - A list of all the clients / jobs against whom time has been charged by the employee during the period specified


Charged - This is the total of the time charged against each client / job by the employee during the period specified - i.e. the hours multiplied the charge rate at the time of posting


Job / Client Charge - This is the total of the time charged against each client by ALL employees during the period specified - i.e. the hours multiplied the charge rate at the time of posting


Job / Client W/Off - This is the amount of unbilled time written off against the client / job during the period specified


Job / Client Billed - This is the amount billed against the client / job during the period specified


Job / Client Unbilled - This is the amount of unbilled time (work in progress) left against the client / job - discounted to an anticipated recovery percentage - this can be defined before the report is produced


Job / Client Profit - The resultant profit (or loss shown by a minus sign) for the client / job during the period specified


Recovery - The percentage recovery achieved on time billed against the client / job


Recovered - The recovery percentage achieved on the client / job applied to the time charge by the employee - i.e. how much of the time charge was actually recovered


Summary - This applies the total of all the time recovered for the employee against the total of the time charged analysed between chargeable, non-chargeable and eventually the percentage of the time not recovered