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Report Viewer

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All reports are produced to a Report Viewer, which is functionally similar in both the desktop and browser programs.


The following options are available from the Viewer Toolbar:


Document Map - not used in TallyPro reports

Go to first page

Go to previous page

Go to next page

Go to last page

Go back to parent report - not used in TallyPro reports

Stop Rendering - if the report is very large and seems to be taking too long to load (render) then clicking this button will stop further pages being loaded

Refresh - rerun the report - this can be useful if a number of rows have been expanded and the original layout is required again

Print the report - to a selected printer

Print Layout - a useful tool that enables the exact layout of the report on the page to be viewed

Page Setup - allows selection of Paper size and source, orientation (portrait or landscape) and setting of margins (left, top, right, bottom)

Export - a powerful feature that allows export of the report to the following data formats:

Zoom (view scale). Options are:

Search Box - enter a word into the box

Finds the first record with word entered into the Search Box

Finds the next record with word entered into the Search Box