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The first screen allows selection of the client to whom the invoice is to be raised. Once selected, the client details (Contact Name and Address) will be displayed alongside the following default accounting data:


Nominal (General Ledger) Code - the Nominal (General) Ledger code applicable to any lines created for this invoice. If Link to External Invoicing option has been chosen then the Code can be selected from the drop down which will contain all the account codes, and descriptions, created within the external accounting system. If no Link has been chosen then a Code (if applicable) can be entered.


Order Reference - this is an optional field but one that can be printed on the generated invoice.


Payment Terms - the payment terms applicable to this invoice. If Link to External Invoicing option has been chosen then the Terms can be selected from the drop down which will contain all the payment terms created within the external accounting system. If no Link has been chosen then Terms (if applicable) can be entered.


VAT Code / Percentage - the VAT code / percentage applicable to any lines created for this invoice. If Link to External Invoicing option has been chosen then the Code can be selected from the drop down which will contain all the VAT codes, and descriptions, created within the external accounting system. If no Link has been chosen then a Percentage MUST be entered.


Memo - this is an optional field but one that can be printed on the generated invoice.


This default data will only need to be entered once for the first invoice created and will then be represented to the user for each new invoice. Once represented it can be overwritten. The default Nominal and VAT codes will be overwritten for any new lines created from Invoice Paragraphs.


For the Commercial version of TallyPro, a job for the client must also be selected.


Once all data is entered, the Next button should be clicked to move to the Cost Allocation tab.