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Commercial Type:

Professional Type:



The range of options depends upon the Costing Type (Commercial or Professional - see above) and on the exact configuration of the system.


Click on an option above to see the individual help topic, or see the descriptions below:


Clients - view and edit client details

My Clients - a 'favourites' list useful for timesheet posting

Client Categories - view and edit client categories

Matters (Professional Type) - view and edit matters

Invoicing - produce invoices that can be allocated against costs and interface directly to accounting systems

Client Reports - view and run client reports

Contacts - view all client contacts

Consolidate Costs (Professional Type) - consolidate past postings into a brought forward balance

Prospective Clients - view (and mark as live) prospective clients

Dormant Clients (Professional Type) - view (and reactivate) dormant clients

Deleted Clients (Professional Type) - view (and reinstate) deleted clients

Invoice Paragraphs - view and edit standard paragraphs that can be used when producing invoices