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Years & Periods

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This program will show all the years created for the company together with their details. You can see if Years and Periods are in use by checking within the Company Configuration program.


Please refer to the Grid Views for how to use the Years grid view. In addition to the standard features described in the link, the following options are available:


Add New - this can be chosen from the Toolbar and will display a blank Year Details page ready for the data to be entered for a new year.


Delete - this can be chosen from the Toolbar and will allow the year to be deleted subject to confirmation


Create New Year - this will allow the creation of a new year before a year end routine is run.


View Details - this can be chosen by double clicking the mouse on a row, or by right clicking the mouse over a selected row and choosing View Details, and will display the Year Details and Periods for the selected year



Note that closing the last period of a year (Tools/Period Year End) will automatically create the next year and periods.