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Click on an option above to see the individual help topic (apart from Exit), or see the descriptions below:


Home - displays the user's Home page

Users - displays a list of Users and allows users to be added, deleted and amended

Action Types - displays a list of Action Types and allows types to be added, deleted and amended

Years & Periods - displays a list of Years & Periods (only if enabled in the Company Configuration) and allows periods to be added, deleted and amended

Configuration - displays the Company Configuration and allows configuration settings to be amended

Overrides - displays the Overrides view which enables the default program descriptions to be overridden.

Standard Documents - displays a list of the Standard Documents and allows standard documents to be added, deleted and edited using the Document Editor.

Connection Settings - displays the program Connection Settings and allows the web service, firewall and proxy settings to be amended

Data Utilities - see Data Utilities sub menu

Exit - this will close the program saving any live postings (e.g. Weekly Timesheets)


NOTE - Depending upon the access level of the logged in user, not all File menu options will be visible or enabled.