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Navigation: Clients > Clients > Client Contacts

Client Contact Details

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The above program is loaded when an Client Contact row is double clicked from the Client Contacts view.


Please refer to the Data Forms for how to use the Client Contacts data form. In addition to the standard features described in the link, the following tabs may be available:


Documents - this will display any documents saved against the contact - see Document Views


Actions - this will display all actions for the contact - see Action Views


Depending on the exact configuration of the system, the following data fields may be available for input / editing:


Client - this will only be enabled when adding a new contact from the Contacts View otherwise it will be displayed only

First Name - the first name of the contact

Surname - the surname or last name of the contact

Salutation - optional salutation

Position - optional position within client's organisation

Email Address - optional email address

Telephone - optional telephone number

Notes - these are optional