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Write Offs

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The above program is loaded when the Write Offs link is clicked from the Postings navigation pane. The exact columns that appear will depend on the System Configuration. For example, the above example shows the columns applicable to the Commercial costing type with default subsidiary codes and no work types.


Please refer to the Posting Grids for instructions on how to enter data into the Posting grids.


Write Offs are used to reduce work in progress costs for particular clients / jobs. Normally they will represent the difference between the total cost (i.e. time, expenses and other costs) and the billing. In the case that the billing is in excess of the total costs, and no further costs are expected, a negative write off can be posted.


Once all data has been entered, or indeed if a review is required (maybe for print purposes), the 'Review and Submit' button should be clicked which will group each posting row by client / job, allow a printout of the write offs to be taken, before finally submitting the postings - see Review And Submit.


After submission a blank grid will be displayed ready for a new batch of write offs to be entered.