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Transaction Views

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Transaction Views can be called from the following programs:


Postings - Past Postings

Jobs - Transactions (filtered for selected job)

Employees - Transactions (filtered for selected employee)


Once loaded the transactions can be further filtered via:


Selection Bar


Selection of From and To dates - the view will only contain posting between these dates

Selection of 'Show All' check box - the view will contain all postings irrespective of date

Selection of Posting Type (as in example above) - the view will only contain the selected posting type - see Posting Type Views below

Once a selection has been made - click on the Go button (->) to refresh the view


Filter Bar


For further information on this feature please see Filter Bar


The following options are available:


Double Click - on a selected transaction will enable editing of that transaction's details - see Edit Postings


Once the desired view is obtained, the grid can be printed or exported to an Excel spreadsheet - see Grid Toolbar


Posting Type Views


The following posting type views are available:


All Postings - all current postings together with any consolidated balances

Timesheets - just timesheets

Expense Claims - just expense claims

Billings - all current billings together with any consolidated billings

Other Costs - just other costs

Write Offs - all current write offs together with any consolidated write offs

Consolidated - all consolidated postings (i.e. the ones that have been consolidated and no longer appear on reports)

All Consolidated - all consolidated postings together with current postings (i.e. ignoring consolidations)


For more detail on Consolidations - see Consolidate Costs.